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2024 iNOVA Winners

Entry Information

All communication and technical professionals working on websites are eligible. The competition is open to Agencies, Associations, Corporations, Government Agencies and Non-Profit Organizations. Small firms are as likely to win as big companies and major agencies. The iNOVA Awards guarantee a level playing field.

All websites which were live at any time from September 29, 2023 to September 24, 2024 are eligible. If the website, or any portion of it, is not currently active, please create a temporary site on which to place all the elements you wish to have judged. Note the newly created URL on your Entry Form.

Complete the Entry Form in this brochure. Be sure to carefully print or type the URL for your entry. Payment may be made by check or credit-card. You may mail or fax the completed form to MerComm. For Bank Transfers, please contact our offices for routing information. To submit the same website in multiple categories, or to submit different websites, please use separate entry forms for each.

Entry fees cover the costs of handling, judging, rounds, evaluation forms to nominators, awards, winners book, inclusion in our website. The fee for each entry in all Categories is $200, with discounts available for multiple entries.

Once the entry has been sent out for judging, there can be no refund for any reason.

Entries must be received by midnight (DST) September 24, 2024. You will receive notification that your entry(ies) was(were) received.

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